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It is called the

Indispensable Leadership Community.

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What community membership has to offer:

Weekly leadership tips, articles, videos and more!

Periodic "Members-only" learning experiences

Group discussions and special interest forums

We designed the Indispensable Coaching community to be an unforgettable and transformative place.

The site is chock-full of terrific leadership content.

It’s like having your very own, on-demand, weekly coaching session for less than the cost of a gym membership!

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Invest in Your Future as an Indispensable Leader.

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Join us, and start your journey
toward becoming a leader:
-> who is not just seen

but remembered,


-> not just heard

but followed,


-> and not just respected

but admired.

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Community Curator

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I’m Jim Kerr, and I’m on a mission to create a leadership movement within the Indispensable Coaching community—one that brings decency back to the leadership equation.

You may know me from one of my seven leadership books or the hundreds of articles I’ve written for such publications as Inc., Fast Company, and Psychology Today. Perhaps you’ve listened to my leadership podcast, The Indispensable Conversation.

But if this is our first encounter, welcome.

As a top-ranked leadership coach,**  I personally curate the content shared with our community members each week, ensuring it aligns with our commitment to effective and indispensable leadership.

If you aspire to lead with decency and integrity, join us today.



**Note: If you’re unfamiliar, Thinkers360 tracks and rates over 6,000 professional coaches, consultants, and academics worldwide. Being ranked first among such esteemed leadership coaches is an honor I don’t take lightly.

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